
Carling Cafeteria Staff

Carling Cafeteria Staff
[edit] Edna

Edna was at BNR before 1982; I remember her in the old Admin Building cafeteria when I started. CNIB Caterplan then ran the food services. When Saga — later Marriot — took over the contract, there was a petition to retain Edna. HenryTroup 18:00, 10 April 2011 (EDT)

Edna was the short-order cook in the Lab 3 cafeteria when I was in Lab 3 from 1995 to 1999. She was cheerful and had a good memory for everyone’s “usual” – she had to because she was nearly deaf! If you weren’t a regular you would likely get something completely different than what you ordered.

One year she got sick and was off work for 6 months without pay. Some of the admins heard about this and setup a collection for her. Thankfully she recovered and was back later than year.

Edna even had an internal IT product named after her. I forgot the breakout of the acronym, but it was probably something like “Electronic Distribution Network Architecture”.
[edit] Maureen

Maureen is a cashier here in Carling Lab 10 cafeteria (which is now occupied by Ciena). She was a cashier in the Lab 3 cafeteria when I joined BNR in 1995 – so she’s been here longer than me.

–Dominicr 10:32, 11 March 2011 (EST)

[admin: further editing of this post will be happening to correct for WIKI markup]

One thought on “Carling Cafeteria Staff

  1. I was a Coop student at BNR in the Spring of 1988 and again in the fall of 1988. Being a young, single guy living in a house with a bunch of other young single guys almost all of my breakfasts were from the Carling Cafeteria in Lab 3. I definitely say I was in a rut. Bagel and Cream Cheese most every day…made by Edna. When I came back for my second work term, after 4 months away, got in the short order line and when it came my turn to order Edna handed me my bagel and cream cheese. She had remembered after 4 months of me not being there.

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